Fallon Taylor

75 Hard Wrap Up--Here's What We Learned!



Welcome to my latest podcast episode where I spill all the details about my experience completing the 75 Hard Challenge alongside my amazing husband, Alex. We learned so much from this challenge, and in this episode, I'm diving deep into how it positively impacted my world in various areas like my friend group, mom life, routine, and even my riding schedule. Now, here's the thing... Every time you start leveling up and making progress, you'll inevitably encounter people who have something to say. But here's the reality check: They're stuck telling the same old story from years ago and have no clue who the new and improved version of you is. This challenge has turned me into a quantification and reengineering machine! I'm all about using data, making changes, and quantifying every little thing. Because guess what? Nothing changes if everything stays the same. That means shaking up your environment, your routine – everything needs a makeover. So, the goal of this podcast episode was to shake things up and disru