Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

When campaign-finance law looks like an unfunny joke



Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has ended his 2024 presidential bid. One feature of his campaign that caught our attention: the tight-knit relationship between himself and the Ron DeSantis super PAC, two things that should be very separate. We’ll get into how DeSantis’ team pushed the boundaries of campaign-finance law and what it says about how we govern campaign cash in the U.S. And, we’ll peel back the layers of DeSantis’ recent misattributed Winston Churchill quote. Plus, a record morning for manatees in a Florida state park! Here’s everything we talked about today: “DeSantis-linked super PAC broke new ground in pushing campaign finance rules in Iowa in support of a 2nd-place finish” from The Conversation “Boeing Faces More Pressure as United CEO Vents Frustrations” from Bloomberg “Pour One Out for Ron DeSantis” from The Atlantic A Facebook post celebrating a record manatee count from Blue Spring State Park in Flor