Missing Maura Murray

41 // Maura Murray - Part 40



For this episode we talk to Truth Seeker John Smith. He's setting up an event for the upcoming 13 year anniversary of Maura's disappearance and he talks about the plans. We also talk about in which ways Maura's case has left a mark on John's soul and changed him forever. In the second half of the interview John and the guys talk about the accident and how no one saw anything.  Follow this show and documentary on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MauraMurrayDoc, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/missingmauramurray/, and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MauraMurrayDoc/ Check out our docu-series on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Maura-Murray/dp/B07JHNTGLK And don't miss the Disappearance of Maura Murray on Oxygen: https://www.oxygen.com/the-disappearance-of-maura-murray Check out the entire Crawlspace Media Network at http://crawlspace-media.com/ Follow Private Investigations For the Missing https://investigationsforthemissing.org/ https://twitter.com/PIFortheMissing https://www.facebook.com/PIFortheMiss