All The T

S1E03: WE ARE HOMOS Bombombombbobobbom



In this episode, Zach and Ethan delve into a wide array of topics, offering a dynamic and engaging conversation. They start by discussing home insurance issues, expressing frustrations about potential damage concerns not being addressed. The hosts then share personal experiences with problematic landlords and thoughts on moving, maintaining a light-hearted and humorous tone. Transitioning to another segment, the hosts cover diverse subjects such as a TikTok video featuring a house, phone cases, student loan frustrations, government, AI, Drag Race, and anime. They also observe changes in a public figure's appearance, contributing to the variety and spontaneity of the conversation. The podcast takes an unexpected turn as one host recounts a frustrating car repair situation, emphasizing the lack of preparedness and professionalism from the service provider. The ordeal involves a windshield replacement, with canceled appointments, unclear information, and potential issues with the initially installed windshield