The Dad Edge Podcast (formerly The Good Dad Project Podcast)

Stop Worrying About What People Think of You with Dr Michael Gervais



Dr. Michael Gervais is a renowned high-performance psychologist and the host of the Finding Mastery podcast, where he explores the psychology of peak performance with world-leading experts and athletes. His work focuses on helping individuals excel in high-stakes environments and unlock their full potential. In this episode, Larry Hagner and Dr. Michael Gervais delve into a fascinating discussion about the mind, emotions, and the power of being present. They explore the concept of the brain as hardware and the mind as software, emphasizing the importance of upgrading our mental software through training and self-awareness. They also distinguish between emotions (observable and physical) and feelings (subjective and interpretive), highlighting the role of thoughts in shaping our emotional experiences. The conversation further explores the challenges of being present in a world filled with distractions and the aversion many people have to being alone with their thoughts. They discuss the fear of not being enoug