The Free Zone W/ Freeman Fly

Global Death Cult – William Ramsey



Is there a secretive group with far-reaching plans to influence societies around the world? How can this group, the Order of Nine Angles, be traced from the British neo-Nazi movement to a series of transnational cells with a global reach? How did the ideology of the Order of Nine Angles influence the commission of brutal crimes in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere? How did the O9A, whose formation began with a small group in England grow to international prominence? Is this mysterious group infiltrating the American military? Find out in the new book Global Death Cult: the Order of Nine Angles, Atomwaffen and the Slaughter of the Innocents by William Ramsey "If there is one thing which expresses the essence of the Satanic ethos it is culling; and if there is one way to detect a pseudo-Satanist it is their attitude to culling." The most disturbing aspect to the Order of Nine Angles (ONA) is its promotion of human sacrifice, something they refer to as culling, a term borrowed from animal husbandry. In