Awesomecast: Tech And Gadget Talk

Those Are Not Pearls | AwesomeCast 670



This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, and Sidekick Media Services and listeners like you at Smart pepper spray with GPS tracking: A new "smart" pepper spray called 444 was showcased that has GPS capabilities to alert selected contacts or authorities if you spray it, providing your location for safety. Google/Bing rewards programs: kidemental discussed Google Opinions/Rewards program that give you some money or credits for answering short surveys, providing receipts, etc. Good way to get a little cash or credit. Video editing tools: CapCut was discussed as an increasingly popular free video editing tool, with features similar to expensive options like Premiere and After Effects. Very useful for creating content quickly. Lack of sex tech at CES: There was discussion about CES severely limiting vendors from the sex tech space this year, seen b