Apostle Sydney Quaye

The Blessed



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this thought-provoking podcast episode titled "The Blessed," Apostle Sydney passionately explores the scriptures from Proverbs 10:6-7 and James 1:23-25. Where he unravels the distinction between mere blessings and the empowerment inherent in the scriptures. Emphasizing that being blessed is not a passive state but an active realization of the empowerment received through Christ. Apostle Sydney encourages listeners to move beyond seeking empowerment externally and recognize their innate empowerment as blessed individuals. Through insightful anecdotes and scriptural references, he underscores the importance of catching a glimpse of God's counsel, living a free life, and embodying the role of a carrier of the Holy Ghost. This message is a powerful declaration of the believer's unique status, separation, and empowerment through the covenant with God, culminating in a life of abundance and divine favour.