Power Of Your Mind | Hypnosis | Law Of Attraction | Meditation | Nlp | Affirmations | Visualization

#292- Women's Relationship to Work, Money and Power with Kate Northrup



Today, Kate Northrup shares some of her insights on Women’s Relationship to Work, Money and Power.    We discuss:  The key turning points and lessons learned in her journey of moving from $20,000 in debt to complete financial freedom by the age of 28.  How your emotions and thought patterns impact your financial decisions and well-being.  The most common revelations or surprises you can encounter about your relationship with money after taking her Money Love Quiz.  Some practical steps you can take to transform your perceptions of money and wealth, especially if you've grown up with negative money beliefs.  The first step you should take towards financial freedom if you are struggling with significant debt.  She defines “financial freedom” and assures us that it is attainable for everyone, regardless of your current financial situation and lifestyle aspirations.  Her suggestions for women to begin to detach their sense of self-worth from their work output, especially in a society t