Let's Talk Bruh

The Long Way Home Pt. 2 - A Conversation with Dad (Final Episode)



Without a doubt this is the most personal LTB episode yet. And you could say this episode took 33 years to make. I could never say my dad and I had a bad or unhealthy relationship, however I always knew I wanted to be closer, always desired something deeper. But I wasn't sure how to go about it and wasn't sure if he wanted the same thing. Years of therapy, years of conversations, years of tears, years of (released) resentment have led to this moment.    Coming back home in 2020, I was eager to work on the relationships with my parents. When met with some (intergenerational) roadblocks, I realized that what I was trying to work through was built on foundations of trauma passed down from parents, grandparents, great grandparents, well you get it. When speaking with my dad, I realized that he and I share many of the same fears, anxieties, thought patterns, behaviors and that my story mirrors his in many ways.  My frustrations with him are similar to what he experienced with his own parents. A lack of communicati