Book Marketing Mentors

How to Unlock the Secrets of Turning Book Dreams into Marketing Triumphs - BM405



Do you dream of making your book a huge success? Don't let marketing challenges hold you back! Join me in this week's powerful episode with publishing expert Michelle Vandepas as she reveals the secret formula for turning your book into a marketing triumph.What you'll takeaway is how to...Pin down what you want readers to remember; it's your key to broader marketing.Think outside the book sales box—workshops, talks, and courses can also drive revenue.Analyze what's working in your current marketing and amplify it.Direct your marketing muscle to the platform where your readers hang out the most.Grow an email list; it's a vital tool for reaching your audience.Tune in and transform these insights into your marketing breakthrough!*******************************************************************************************Register for Susan’s free live online masterclass “How to Confidentially Sell Your Books in Bulk, Even if Selling Scares You.”February 6th at 3 pm ET******************