Real Crime Profile

#487: The Exploitation of Natalia Grace



From the very start of her life, Natalia Grace has been passed around like a human football and exploited. From the moment of her birth in Ukraine when doctors encouraged her mother Anna Volodymyrivna Gava to give her baby up due to her diagnosis of dwarfism, Natalia has been denied a stable, loving home and instead been placed with people who had no business caring for her and had no capacity for loving her. Today we examine Natalia’s complex and convoluted case, made only more confusing by the docu-series “The Curious Case of Natalia Grace”. We examine the many narrators in this story including Michael Barnett who along with his wife Kristine adopted Natalia, appeared to abuse her both physically and mentally, coercively controlled her and then bizarrely sought to prove Natalia was not a child, but an adult woman pretending to be a child, legally "re-aging" her. Jim and Laura analyze the evidence and try to discern who is telling the truth and what actually happened. Can there be any excuse for traumatizing