Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

The afterlife of MLK’s call for a guaranteed income



In 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote that “the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.” Decades later, while still a divisive idea, the conversation around guaranteed income is starting to simmer, and pilot programs looking at universal basic income, a similar idea, are popping up around the country. On the show today, Stacia West, director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Guaranteed Income Research, explains why King called for a guaranteed income, why UBI is gaining traction today, and what early results from pilot programs are showing us about its impact. Then, we’ll get into the haggling over the child tax credit on Capitol Hill and check in with the world’s second largest economy. Plus, one historian was wrong about Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision for the American economy. Here’s everything we talked about today: “Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Solution to