Finding Mastery: Conversations With Michael Gervais

Bill Hader on Anxiety, Imposter Syndrome, and Leaning into Discomfort (Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris)



Hey everybody, Mike here… we’re doing something a little different today…If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, you probably recognize the name Dan Harris – he’s a friend, journalist, fellow podcaster, and was actually one of our earliest guests on Finding Mastery back in 2016. We had some fantastic conversations together and I was lucky enough to be an early guest on his incredible show – Ten Percent Happier – I’ve been a big fan and follower of his show ever since. And today… we are stoked to share one of their episodes with you on our feed!On Ten Percent Happier, Dan is on a quest to help others achieve peace and happiness. Every week, he talks to top scientists, meditation teachers, and even the occasional celebrity in wide ranging conversations that explore topics like productivity, anxiety, enlightenment, psychedelics and relationships.This episode of Ten Percent Happier is with the one-and-only, actor and comedian Bill Hader—who you may know from Saturday Night Live, countless r