Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep2156: ‘A New Thing’ Series Class 2 — Abraham



Abraham’s New Thing relationship with God, Thames Valley churches of Christ, January 2024, Genesis 18  ‘A New Thing’ Series Class 2 — Abraham Introduction * When studying Abraham we often focus on the promises, the blessings and the sacrifice of Isaac * This class will focus on the newness within Abraham’s relationship with God * Genesis 18.16-33 1. God Trusts Abraham * He reveals himself * He accepts hospitality * He reveals his plans * He practices ‘vulnerability’ * Leads to a ‘partnership’ with Abraham - a new thing     * ‘he was no yes-man but a true partner.’ Tyndale * Jesus treats us as ‘friends’: John 15.15
 * Do you sense God trusts you? * What helps you believe Jesus sees you as his friend? * He made himself vulnerable to draw us to him -Philippians 2:5-8 NRSV * - ’Vulnerability begets vulnerability; courage is contagious.’ Daring Greatly, Brene Brown * * ‘Point of Grace’ song, ‘He believes in you’ — ,     * The story behind the song:     * YouTube