Brand You Personal Branding

402: Run Your Own Race and Stop Comparing Yourself to Mr. or Ms. Guru



Watch this episode on YouTube » As we step into 2024, it's nice to back to solo episodes. One of my big tenets this year is to "run your own race" – it's time to shift our focus from comparing our lives to others to embracing our unique paths.  The Comparison Trap: Discover how social media can skew our perception of success and how to step away from it for a healthier mindset. (Yea, I canned my Instagram account for awhile) Practical Strategies: Learn practical strategies to help you focus on your own path, including goal setting and cultivating gratitude. Embracing Self-Acceptance: Explore the journey of self-acceptance and how it can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life. Episode Resources: Radical Acceptance (book) » 48 Days to the Work You Love (book) » Video by Dan Miller » Was this episode valuable to you? Share it with a friend or DM me on Instagram (@mikekim) to let me know what jumped out at you. Connect with Me on Social: Instagram  LinkedIn Facebook  Twitter  YouTube