The Dad Edge Podcast (formerly The Good Dad Project Podcast)

A Dad's Guide to Healing Relationships, Embracing Forgiveness, and Asking the Hard Questions with JC Batista



JC Batista is a father and a husband. He shares his powerful and heartbreaking story of losing his 25-year-old son to substance abuse and gun violence. Despite facing unimaginable pain and grief, JC and his wife have shown incredible resilience and strength in navigating through this tragedy. In this Dad Edge Podcast episode, Larry Hagner is joined by JC Batista and heard about JC's poignant tale of losing his 25-year-old son and the profound impact it had on him and his wife. Their journey, steeped in sorrow, is also a narrative of resilience and shared purpose. The episode explores crucial themes like personal growth in the face of adversity, the effects on marital and family bonds, and discovering strength amidst tragedy. JC Batista places a strong emphasis on personal growth, underscoring the necessity of mental, emotional, and physical preparedness for life's challenges. He advocates for continuous self-improvement as a tool for building resilience, enabling individuals to more effectively overcome diffi