The Dad Edge Podcast (formerly The Good Dad Project Podcast)

Strategies for Balancing Fatherhood and Personal Development with Connor Beaton



Connor Beaton is a men's life coach, founder of ManTalks, and an author focusing on men's wellness and personal growth. He integrates Jungian psychology and somatic therapy into his coaching and speaking engagements​ In this episode of the Dad Edge podcast, host Larry Hagner and guest Connor Beaton talk about the power of voice in conveying emotions and creating a comfortable environment for effective communication. They discuss how slowing down speech and being mindful of tone can reduce anxiety and improve relationships. Connor Beaton shares his expertise in voice training and music, explaining how a person's voice can reflect their internal state. He suggests that speaking quickly or in a high-pitched tone can be indicative of anxiety or discomfort. By intentionally slowing down speech, individuals can bring attention and presence to their delivery, thereby potentially reducing anxiety and creating a more calm external perception. The conversation also extends to the impact of voice in parenting and marria