Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Kami Guildner, Women Entrepreneurial Trends and Insights for 2024, Episode 327



If we reflect on these past few years we have certainly lived in a world of uncertainty. But the energy of this year feels like a breakthrough to me. Like old systems are breaking down, making space for more breakthroughs. And we have an opportunity to reimagine how we do life, how we do business, and how we show up in our communities. I see the breakthrough to more soulful ways of doing business, but to do that, we have to do our own inner work and become intimately familiar with how we are showing up as humans in this world. Today, we're embarking on our annual exploration of the latest trends in entrepreneurship. It's always a reflective and enjoyable journey for me, an opportunity to peek into the currents shaping our world.   In this episode: I explore the growing trend of individuals, particularly women, transitioning from corporate roles to entrepreneurship. The evolving mindset of women entrepreneurs, encouraging a departure from the hustle culture, embracing a new paradigm, and drawing inspi