Face To Face Ministries Podcast

E148 - On the Other Side of the Interview with Hosts Cathy and Melinda



We had the privilege of joining nearly 60 Immanuel Approach Prayer ministers last week ministering to over 450 InterVarsity Staff members at their conference in Orlando. While there, we were interviewed in front of our peers by Nate Harkness, a fellow Immanuel Prayer minister who is the Director of International Ministries at World Discipleship Association in Fayetteville, GA. As hosts of this show, you get to hear bits and pieces from us as we interview others, but it's not often we share our hearts to the extent we do in this episode. In this conversation, you will learn some of the things we're passionate about.  For more about us, the Immanuel Approach, and how we are raising up people to help others connect with Jesus, please join us Jan 22-26, 2024 for the Connect Others with Jesus Challenge Sign up up at immanueltraining.com/Challenge.