Fsr Energy & Climate

Which Regulation To Finance Transmission Investment? | Vincent Rious and Arthur Henriot



Which regulation to finance transmission investment ? Live Debate with Vincent Rious and Arthur Henriot FSR.EUI.eu 10th December 2014 Which regulation to finance transmission investment in the power sector ? The development of the European electricity transmission grid plays a key role in the European Union’s strategy to address challenges such as decarbonisation of the generation mix, security of supply and market integration. European objectives of network development in the coming years are ambitious: the projects listed in the ENTSO-E TYNDP 2014, that account for only a part of the total investment needs, amount up to 150 billion euros by 2030. In a business-as-usual scenarios, regulated Transmission System Operators (TSOs) might not be able to cope with this substantial amount of investment. A new regulatory regime, taking into account the ability of TSOs to finance the investments required for projects of pan-European significance, will be needed.