Fsr Energy & Climate

Adrien de Hauteclocque on gas supply contracts



Adrien de Hauteclocque is a Legal Secretary (Référendaire) of Judge M. van der Woude at the Court of Justice of the European Union (General Court), Luxembourg, and an Adviser of the Loyola de Palacio Chair. Here he is interviewed by the Director of the Florence School, Jean-Michel Glachant, on the topics discussed at the FSR Fifth Policy Advisory Council which brought together renowned academics, experts from leading energy companies as well as representatives from the European Commission, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs). Recorded 6 November 2015, Florence, Italy “we talked this morning about the long term import gas contracts… we have a problem with this contract… I think it is fair to say they have very ambiguous effects both on competition and on security of supply, sometimes they are good, sometimes they are bad…” “maybe we should think about introducing some kinds of ex-ante notification mechanisms so that there would be some level