Fsr Energy & Climate

Xavier Labandeira | Outcomes Of Paris COP21



Xavier Labandeira, Director of FSR Climate, shares his thoughts on the outcomes of the Paris Climate Talks. “We for the first time introduce a 1.5 degree maximum increase of temperature as an aspirational environmental objective” “Once the emitters are into the agreement, which was not the case with Kyoto, they may find it easier to proceed in a way cooperatively, because leakage or competitiveness issues are minimalized” “More question marks arise from the issue of funding the huge investment flows necessary for the structural tenors that we need in order to have this decarbonisation” “Hopefully we will see many pricing devices in both the developed and developing world in the next few years” “We have a first step, a positive first step, but still much is needed, much more is needed, so we should not be too happy yet”