Fsr Energy & Climate

Annegret Groebel | Regionalisation



Jean-Michel is joined by Annegret Groebel, vice-President CEER & Vice-chair of ACER's Board of Regulators, to discuss regional cooperation in the internal energy market and the coupling of regions. How can we converge towards a common regime? And who is in charge of the process? Recorded 23 September at the conference "Completing the European Power Market Integration" organised by ENTSO-E in Bratislava with the support of FSR. http://fsr.eui.eu/event/completing-european-power-market-integration/ “I think we should not talk of regionalisation because this indeed has the negative impact of splitting the market, and we all work towards the internal energy market.” “All stake holders must work together, and would not say it is bottom up or top down, maybe we can say it’s kind of a diagonal”