Fsr Energy & Climate

Congestion Management in the Internal Energy Market Workshop | Alberto Pototschnig



Scientific Organisers: Jean-Michel Glachant | Florence School of Regulation/RSCAS/EUI Alberto Pototschnig | Florence School of Regulation/RSCAS/EUI and ACER Interview by Pradyumna Bhagwat | Research Associate at Florence School of Regulation Florence, 28 October 2016 FSR REGULATORY POLICY WORKSHOP SERIES 2016-2017 http://fsr.eui.eu/event/congestion-management-in-the-internal-energy-market/ The establishment of a fully integrated European energy market is one of the five mutually-reinforcing and closely interrelated dimensions of the EU Energy Union strategy aimed at bringing greater energy security, sustainability and competitiveness to the EU’s economy. In this regard, the integration of national markets has been one of the primary objectives of EU energy policy since the 1990s and has been pursued throughout three legislative packages and detailed provisions defined in Network Codes and Guidelines. The achievement of a fully integrated and well-functioning EU energy market requires both an optimal leve