Fsr Energy & Climate

ENTSOG's Patricia Orglerova On Their New 'H2 Infrastructure Map' For Europe



In this short interview, James Kneebone of the Florence School of Regulation is joined by ENTSOG's Regulatory Affairs Manager Patricia Orglerova to discuss the new 'Hydrogen Infrastructure Map'. ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ www.h2inframap.eu/ Patricia gives an overview on the functionalities of the interactive map, the objectives behind its delivery, and the processes for collecting data. The pair reflect on the general progress and bottlenecks for the build of the sector towards 2030, 2040, and 2050, as well as Patricia's experience working on this project as part of an all-female team. The map represents a joint effort between ENTSOG, GIE, Eurogas, CEDEC, GD4S, and GEODE, in cooperation with European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) Initiative, as mandated by the European Commission at the 36th Madrid Forum. The first iteration of the map builds on work done under the EHB, hydrogen transmission projects collected under the biennial Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2022, as well as projects submitted by stakeholders who are