Fsr Energy & Climate

OneNet series: Products and services definition in support of OneNet (WP2)



In this podcast, we asked Anastasis Tzoumpas (Ubitech), what has already been achieved with Work Package 2, the main challenges faced, and how OneNet can contribute to harmonising the EU electricity markets. The overall objective of this WP is to set the basis of the work to be done in the ONENET proposal. That is to say, it will look back to the market solutions and digital platforms presented so far in the EU pilot projects, revisit European policy frameworks, summarize their contributions and benefits and build on this information to sketch the new products and business use cases proposed in the ONENET approach. These products and business use cases will engage strongly the consumers in order to maximize the flexibility resources that the grid operators can use to meet the clean energy challenges. The differences among EU markets will be reviewed and specific priorities for KPIs, Scalability and Replicability of Onenet solutions will be devised in order to enable the pan-EU integration of these new servic