Dr. Drew After Dark

Sex Ed 101 w/ Jamar Neighbors | Dr. Drew After Dark Ep. 242



Leave a voicemail for Dr. Drew to answer on the show at (818) 253-1693 or email your question to DrDrewAfterDark@gmail.com This week Dr. Drew is joined by comic, Jamar Neighbors. Jamar shares with Dr. Drew his comedy origin story of how he knew he wanted to do comedy from 6 years old in the orphanage. Before hopping into some live calls, Drew explains the disease of addiction to Jamar. During the live calls, Dr. Drew shows Jamar the world of reproductive health and genitalia. There's a lot of bodily fluid explanation flowing around this episode. Jamar has Dr. Drew check out his boxing elbow before wrapping up the episode on the discovery that if diabetics have sweet fluids something isn't good. https://drdrew.com/ https://store.ymhstudios.com/