Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast

Journal Review in Surgical Education: The OR Black Box



Have a grand idea for how to improve education and patient safety in surgery, but unsure how to make it a reality? Perhaps the OR Black Box can inspire you and set you on your path as an innovator. We are joined by Dr. Teodor Grantcharov, one of its creators. The OR Black Box is a system that collects, stores, and analyzes a large amount of data from the operating room beyond just surgical video, such as video and audio of the operating room and patient physiology data. Using the system for feedback through self-directed review, coaching, and integrated AI analysis has changed the way we can learn and teach in surgery, and may have implications for the future of evaluation and credentialing.  Learning Objectives Listeners will describe the value that accessible data review and analysis adds to surgical education. Listeners will describe how review of operative data could be utilized for more objective evaluation and credentialing, and how this can be used for continuous improvement. Listers will recognize c