Real Crime Profile

#484: Amanda Knox Returns to Court in Italy



Amanda Knox is headed back to stand trial again in Italy. But this time not for the murder of her former college roommate Meredith Kercher, who she was wrongfully convicted of killing in 2009 and later acquitted in 2015. Now, Knox is facing a re-trial for slander against Patrick Lumumba, a local bar owner in Perugia who she worked for at the time of the murder. Italian police say Knox named him as the prime suspect back when she was in police custody in 2007. Knox has always claimed it was the police themselves who mentioned Lumumba as involved in the murder and it was they who deliberately misinterpreted her text messages with him. Join us as we unravel this complicated aspect of the investigation and explain why Amanda is glad to be going back to Italy to finally clear her name. You can listen to Amanda explain the twists and turns of this new development on her excellent podcast "Labyrinths" Episode 79: