Call Cleve Atlanta Radio Show

Navigating Complex Choices: The 1031 Exchange Dilemma and the Impact of Interest Rates



Welcome to another insightful episode of GoGaddis Real Estate Radio! I'm Cleve Gaddis, your trusted host, and today we're delving into two critical real estate topics: the intricate world of 1031 exchanges and the often misunderstood impact of interest rates on your financial decisions. Segment Teaser: Here's a sneak peek of what you can expect in this episode: 1031 Exchange with Negative Equity: Are you considering a 1031 exchange but worried about your property having negative equity? Cleve will guide you through this complex scenario, helping you understand the potential benefits and tax implications. What Difference Do Interest Rates Really Make?: We'll explore the fascinating world of interest rates and how even a slight reduction can have a significant impact on your financial choices. Cleve will break down the numbers and provide insights into why monitoring interest rates is crucial in the real estate market. Whether you're contemplating a 1031 exchange, dealing with negative equity, or curious ab