Risen Church Nc

Dueling Kingdoms: God First - 1 Samuel 9



God intended on building a kingdom through the prophet Samuel, that would unite Israel around His Will and Way. Yet after glimpses of revival, the people chose to prioritize their own kingdom. In this message, we examine the poor choice made by Israel and how it reflects our own common misunderstandings of prayer and submission to God. We'll see how the people took the bait of worldly looks and power and shifted their faith from God to mere man. In this study, we learn how easy it is to repeat this mistake and also how to easily avoid it. As Saul is chosen to be their king, God invites him to use his position to seek after a greater glory - an invitation that we all receive with every gift that is given to us. Listen and learn what it means to be a good steward of God's varied grace. By remembering and honoring Him in all that we do, we will faithfully manage and leverage our lives for His Kingdom's sake.