Dialogue On Divorce

Navigating Stress in Your Relationship—with Judy Herman



Is your relationship causing you a great deal of stress? Do you suspect that your partner has a diagnosable mental illness? In such a challenging situation, it’s human nature to blame the other person in the relationship. To label their behavior as wrong and ask, ‘Why won’t they change?’ But if their mental health is in question, they may not be able to change. And the better question is, ‘What is YOUR next right step?’ Judy Herman is a mental health professional and relationship wellness advocate dedicated to equipping high-achieving women in the helping professions go from trauma drama into vibrant karma. Judy is also the host of Better Relationships, Better Life: The Podcast and author of Beyond Messy Relationships and Relationships with Purpose. On this episode of Divorce Dialogues, Judy joins Katherine to explain how her personal experience as a twice-divorced relationship therapist inspired her to write Relationships with Purpose. Judy discusses what differentiates someone with self-centered char