Conscious Business With The Corporate Yogi

005: Attract more clients with authenticity



In today’s episode we talk about one of the biggest accelerators for your business. It also happens to be one of the top qualities we appreciate in others AND a quality that we strive for in ourselves. Authenticity. Here are 5 tips on how to be authentic and grow your business:   Stay Aligned. Make sure your business is authentic to your purpose and your values. It just FEELS good!   Be mindful of your corporate persona (alternative identity to fulfill the perceived expectations of our job and our colleagues). Keep in mind that setting unrealistic expectations can make us unproductive and inauthentic. Drop a V-Bomb Tell a colleague, friend (or if you’re feeling brave someone you’re intimidated by) about your fears. By confronting your fears head on, you’re being courageous-- being authentic. Shine your authentic light. If you’re dropping V-Bombs and working authentically, you’ll inspire authenticity in others. Imagine a world where we’re all working towards connectivity and to fulfill our passi