Ponderings From The Perch

How Great Book Ideas Become Published Books



So, you want to write a book? Is the idea becoming a burden because you can just see a way forward to getting it done? In the true spirit of “always be helping” (ABH), our Momma Bird and CEO of Little Bird Marketing, Priscilla McKinney pulls the curtain back and talks about her experience hiring a scribe to complete her book. The most important first step is to get clarity about WHY you MUST write your book. Are you looking for new clients? Want opportunities for public speaking? Want some street cred to increase your speaking fees? No matter what the goal is, it’s important to understand how a book can support broader professional and personal goals. She gives great advice about how to take book ideas and make them a reality by looking clearly at book title ideas, evaluating the topics, goals for writing a book, the need for considering the audience and getting the right structure in place to turn that book idea into a published book. You may have a lot of great book ideas floating around in your head, but g