Take Out With Ashley And Robyn

Episode 19 with guest Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai



V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of email and other revolutionary innovations, has been passionately interested in science and technology throughout his life. This passion has earned Shiva high honors in the academic and corporate worlds. It has also given him an opportunity to confront the financial and power dynamics that affect scientific innovation, especially when innovation arises from sources considered outside the mainstream - as Shiva, in fact, proudly considers himself to be. Born in Mumbai in 1963, at the age of five Shiva began observing his grandmother -- a farmer and healer in the small village of Muhavur, in South India - as she applied Siddha, India's oldest system of traditional medicine, to heal and support local villagers. He saw how his grandmother’s work was a multi-faceted, comprehensive system that impacted her patients physically, mentally, and even spiritually. When Shiva’s family immigrated to the United States, those early experiences inspired him to pursue the study of modern sys