Take Out With Ashley And Robyn

Episode 43 with Guest James Maskell



You could say I was born into holistic medicine. Literally. That’s because I was delivered by Dr. Larry Krantz, one of the founders of the American Holistic Medical Association (and had my first chiropractic adjustment 15 minutes later). And I’ve been under the care of holistic medical providers ever since. I was born in Colorado and raised in England and South Africa (which accounts for the accent). I was the only seven-year-old in my class who saw a homeopath. My parents were leaders of their community and big proponents of holistic medicine. That, and they, made a big impression on me. But like any kid approaching adolescence, I started to think my parents were insane, and rebelled by doing the opposite of whatever they did. I graduated from the University of Nottingham with a degree in health economics (which in fact did come handy down the road), and then became an investment banker. That is, until I had a crisis of conscience one year into my stint as a banker, and thought, “I just can’t do this anymore