F.I.R.E.D UP with Krista Mashore

Mastering Real Estate Negotiation: 5 Essential Tips for Success in Home Buying and Selling Ep. (833)



Negotiating in real estate is a crucial skill for success, and I'm here to share five key tips to help you become a master negotiator. Preparation is Key: Before meeting a seller, thoroughly research their situation. Understand why they want to sell, their past experiences with real estate agents, and market conditions. This information will be your ammunition during negotiations. Develop Rapport: Building a strong relationship with the homeowner and other agents is essential. Ask open-ended questions, show genuine interest, and make them feel comfortable. Use rapport-building techniques even before meeting in person, like sending a marketing video that highlights your expertise. Take Charge of the Conversation: Lead the conversation by asking questions that encourage elaborate responses. Show confidence and assertiveness. Don't be afraid to state your point of view, especially if it's in the best interest of your client. Utilize Silence: Sometimes, staying quiet can encourage the other party to share more i