Wrestling Compadres Slamcast

Watchalong Freebies!



You get a watchalong! YOU get a watchalong! EVERYONE GETS A WATCHALONG! (Remember that?! From Oprah 20 years ago?! She should’ve been Diva’s champion for giving away those cars.) The Palskis are taking a week off which means free Patreon material for you. Featuring Terry Funk, Steve Austin, The Rock and more! Become a Patreon Palski and support the show while getting access to the live chat, the Watchalong Wednesday series, the pre-show and more! http://www.patreon.com/pwpalskis   Get official merchandise at www.dragonwagonshop.com  Smark out with the boys on our official Discord https://discord.gg/gcRb48rkw3  Pro Wrestling Palskis is part of the Dragon Wagon Radio independent podcast network.