Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:1018 Grandfather Was Feeding Them



Brian writes “I grew up on a property and looking back, it would seem my grandfather had habituated a group. Moving in on the land he sat us down to explain his “rules” of living there. I basically all boiled down yo 1 simple rule. Don’t be on the property at night. In those days kids didn’t question. I wouldn’t have anyway since I had already witnessed to red eyes that I spent some time staring into from the window. Found out later that this seemed to be an epidemic among the other grade school kids on that side of the county. Although my parents did really well at trying to hide the truth from us and play things off this place was off the charts weird. Most friends I made only visited once and wouldn’t come back. The feeling was tangible as soon as you turned to corner of the driveway. There has never been a moment that you felt comfortably alone in these woods. From the voices, the name calling, to the late night vocals. Rock throwing while night fishing, and pinecones on occasion while hunting. Missing pe