Messages That Matter By Dr. Andrew Corbett

The Lordship of Jesus Christ - Part 6: He Is Lord of Heaven and Earth



Throughout the times that backdrop most of the Old Testament, the nations that surrounded Israel conceived of a world in which there were gods that ruled over a nation or territory. Several of these territorial deities are named in the Old Testament - Ba’al, Dagon, Molech, Rimmon, Nebo, Bel, Marduk, and Azazel, for example. But the God of the Bible, Yahweh (“Yar-way”) refused to be thought of as a mere territorial god! Yet, despite His constant revelation to His covenant people, the Hebrews, even they could not conceive of their God as being any greater than the conception of gods by the surrounding nations. Ultimately this wrong theology would lead to Israel’s demise time and time again. Then, what the Middle-Eastern Lutheran theologian, Dr. Munther Isaac, calls “the Jesus Event” happened! And once-and-for-all from that time on, no-one could ever be excused for conceiving of the God of the Bible as anything less than the GOD of all Heaven and all Earth!