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How to Monetize Your Blog | Ep. #25



In Episode #25 Eric and Neil talk about how to monetize your blog. If you’re a passionate blogger with a good following, it’s time to start elevating your blog to a potential revenue source. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:22 – The best ways to monetize your blog 00:35 – Look into affiliate marketing or performance marketing 01:10 – Collect money from sales 01:17 – ClickBank, Commission Junction, Share A Sale, Skimlinks 01:29 – Avoid ads at all costs 01:50 – You’ll make the least amount of money from ads 02:00 – Generate an email list 02:15 – You can sell your products through your email list 02:35 – Continually market to those people 02:45 – The concept of courses 03:00 – People making seven figures a year 03:20 – An example with eBooks and courses 03:57 – Don’t be too aggressive at the beginning. Wait for a loyal audience. 04:25 – Collect leads 04:45 – Take your blog content and create lead pages 04:55 – How to drive traffic to your lead page 05:45 – Monetizing a blog takes time. Think about yo