Glass Box Podcast

Ep 140 — Newest Apostle Patrick Kearon; Thank You for Smoking



Newest Apostle for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Elder Patrick Kearon, joins replaces M. Russel Ballard in the highest leadership body of the Mormon hierarchy. Who is he, from where does he come (professionally and otherwise), and what does his calling mean for the future of the wealthiest religion in the world? We do an apostolic profile with what publicly-available information can be found about Patrick Kearon, and his wife Jennifer Hulme-Kearon. After that we’re joined by Jen from ExMo Candle Co. to discuss the winner in the Glass Box War for the official Destroying Angel candle. Then we chat about Thank You For Smoking, a movie about propaganda and the power of argumentation through the lens of Big Tobacco (™) and finally we wrap with good news about an across-the-board cost of living increase for minimum wage workers.   Show Notes:  Jennifer and Patrick Kearon’s talks/speeches https://www.y