Hong Kong Confidential

S1E41: 41| The Scoop on Sharks



Dr Andy Cornish from World Wildlife Fund talks to us about sharks and how important shark conservation is for the biodiversity of the oceans as well as from a humanitarian point of view. Dr Cornish is an expert on sharks and shares how is interest in sharks began when he was young. He discusses the culling of sharks for Shark Fin soup and how slowly large hotel chains in Asia are getting on board and banning Sharks Fin soup at their banquets. We discuss the historical context of the consumption of Sharks Fin soup and why it is so popular in Asia. Dr Cornish gives us tips on how we can make a difference when it comes to shark conservation.  He answers a multitude of diverse questions about sharks and his knowledge on the topic is astounding. World Wildlife Fund: https://www.wwf.org.hk/en/ Hong Kong Confidential Details Email: juleshannaford1@gmail.com Network: https://www.auscastnetwork.com/home/hong-kong-confidential Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hongkongconfidential/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/julesh