Hong Kong Confidential

S1E124: 124| The Gut Brain Connection



Ray Heath is a Psychology teacher with a personal interest in gut and brain health, often referred to as the gut-brain axis. Ray talks to us about how we can use the science of psychology to be the best that we can be. We explore the influence of emotions on memory and look at different holistic approaches to health. Ray explains that the mind, body and gut health is all interconnected. Nature verses nurture is a very interesting topic, along with thought regulation and links to gut health and managing anxiety. We delve into microbiome and how it contributes to regulating our stress response. The role that the gut plays in a person' psychological well-being is huge. We discuss menopause, HRT and how gut health can improve symptoms during this time. Ray explains how gut serotonin can regulate digestion, immunity and the nervous system. Finally, we explore habit change and how we can address this as individuals. Ray Heath: https://www.facebook.com/Psychexcite/   Hong Kong Confidential Details Email: j