Ponderings From The Perch

Marketing Plan Template Advice



A few questions from the CEO of Little Bird Marketing, Priscilla McKinney about your current marketing plan template: - When you think about your marketing efforts, is it strategic? - Have you defined and written down your goals and objectives? - How are you holding your marketing efforts accountable? - Are your marketing efforts repeatable? When we sit down to do something, it's easy to have the mindset of just getting it done. We get hung up on the daily hustle and bustle of marketing efforts. But marketing goals are not achieved with random busy work. Getting the RIGHT work done is the key to success. Leaders should ask themselves if they have been clear about the goals and objectives of their work. Tasks need to have alignment with the overall campaign and inbound marketing strategy. If a junior staff member can’t explain the goals of the work in alignment with the strategy, there needs to be a shift in connecting tasks with desired outcomes. Also, you can’t get where you’re going if you aren’t c