Behind The Bastards

Part One: James O'Keefe: The Patron Saint of News Grifters



In Episode 82, Robert is joined by Jack O’Brien to discuss news grifters.Footnotes:1. ACORN sting 'pimp' is N.J. man who attended Rutgers University2. James O’Keefe: Portrait Of An Activist As A Campus Gadfly3. The Leadership Institute: The Group That Helped Launch The Conservative Careers Of Two Alleged Phone Tamperers4. Abortion foe goes undercover5. What the NYT Magazine Doesn't Say About James O'Keefe6. Now defunct, group that secretly filmed Texas lawmakers ordered to turn over financial records7. Hannah Giles, No Nellie Bly8. The Twisty, Bent Truth of the NPR-Sting Video9. The Power of James O’Keefe10. How Erik Prince Used the Rise of Trump to Make an Improbable Comeback11. Googler Caught in James O’Keefe Sting: Project Veritas ‘Selectively Edited’ My Words12. This is not how I expected Monday to go!13. James O’Keefe’s Google ‘Whistleblower’ Loves QAnon, Accused ‘Zionists’ of Running the Government14. Project Veritas and ‘whistle-blower’ published bullshit ‘data-leak’ to dox Google employees Learn more