Behind The Bastards

Tommy Robinson: The Fascist Grifter With An Addiction to Being Arrested



In Episode 83, Robert is joined by Jake Hanrahan to discuss Tommy Robinson. Footnotes:1. Tommy Robinson boasts about scoring drugs and proclaims himself 'king of whole Islam race', in newly emerged video2. Tommy Robinson encouraged vigilante action, judges say3. Finsbury Park attacker turned violent by far-right posts from Tommy Robinson and Britain First, police say4. Tommy Robinson: The rancour, rhetoric and riches of brand Tommy5. We’re told 84% of grooming gangs are Asian. But where’s the evidence?6. Rotherham abuse: report finds 1,400 children were victims 7. Number of child sexual abuse victims in Rotherham raised to 1,5108. Book Review: Enemy of the State by Tommy Robinson9. Pegida UK supporters stage anti-Islam silent march in Birmingham10. Arrests after Yorkshire anti-racism gig stormed11. Attacks on Muslims: numbers in detail12. EDL leader Stephen Lennon convicted of assault13. EDL Leader Stephen Lennon, AKA Tommy Robinson, Jailed For 10 Months For False Passport14. EDL founder Stephen Lennon guilty