Call Cleve Atlanta Radio Show

Navigating Home Title Lock Insurance: Protecting Your Investment



Welcome to GoGaddis Real Estate Radio, your trusted source for real estate insights and expert advice. I'm Cleve Gaddis, your host, and today we're diving into a trio of important topics that every homeowner and prospective buyer should be aware of. Segment Teaser: Here's a glimpse of what we'll be exploring today: Neighborhood Spotlight: We'll take you on a virtual tour of Holly Hill in Ellenwood, Dekalb County, highlighting what makes this community unique and special. Brookhaven's Homestead Freeze Referendum: A critical issue for homeowners in Brookhaven, we'll discuss the referendum and what it means for you. Home Title Lock Insurance: You might have seen commercials or heard about Home Title Lock Insurance, but what is it really? Is it legitimate insurance, and do you need it? We'll shed light on this topic, discussing the importance of ensuring clear and marketable title when buying a home. Plus, we'll delve into why owner's title insurance at the time of closing can be crucial in protecting your in