Cold War Conversations

Cold War Britain & The Bomb (124)



In Britain and the Bomb Bill Nuttall considers Britain's national journey from Empire to Europe and the transition of British nuclear weapons from the Royal Air Force to the Royal Navy. If you are enjoying the podcast please leave a written reviews in Apple podcasts or share us on social media. By telling your friends you can really help the podcast grow. It costs money and time to produce this podcast so I’m asking listeners to contribute $3 USD per month to help keep us on the air (larger amounts are welcome too) plus you can get a sought after CWC coaster as a monthly financial supporter of the podcast and you bask in the warm glow of knowing you helping preserve Cold War history. Just go to Thanks to latest Patreons including Chris Pearson, Dave Parry, John Rafferty, This is Rammy, John Helsinki Scott G, Graham Horlock and Mister Giles. Back to today’s episode, the story pivots around a single day in April 1965. The recently-established Labour government very publi